Dive into the world of clean air and pure water
We are all about protecting people and optimizing processes

Reducing aerosol concentration on buses
With the SARS-CoV-2 virus still dominating world news and public discussion, sources of infection and how to protect against it remain a hot topic. One key area is public transportation, where people necessarily gather together in confined spaces: an...

Air quality and Covid-19
A series of recent studies has further revealed a possible connection between the level of air pollution and vulnerability to the latest coronavirus.

Making micronAir filtration performance visible
Although there is ample independent scientific evidence of the real effectiveness of high-performance cabin air filters in removing particulate matter from the air, it’s not something most of us will ever see with our own eyes.

Freudenberg to present clean air solutions at EIMA International 2021 in Bologna
The filtration specialist exhibits micronAir agricultural filters category 2, 3 and 4 and is present with a live expert presentation on operator protection.

Digitization in the service of quality
Viledon fiterCair is well established in the coatings industry with which Freudenberg Filtration Technologies holistically examines and customer-specifically optimizes coating processes. One of the core elements is the analysis of paint defects.

Using overpressure to protect liquid foodstuffs
Innovative tank pressure unit TPU 500 from Freudenberg Filtration Technologies prevents contamination from liquid foodstuffs during storage and filling.

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies maintains prime service parts supplier status for Honda
As one of 22 selected service parts suppliers for American Honda Motor Co., Inc., Freudenberg Filtration Technologies was presented the Honda Service Parts Supplier Award 2021 during this year’s virtual Honda Supplier Conference. The award honors...

Protection against product contamination
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies developed an engineering solution for sterile filling of cream milk and dairy products with numerous components to ensure hygienic air quality.

e.FFECT - the performance advantage for turbomachinery
Dust and moisture in the intake air of gas turbines and compressors cause deposits on the blade surfaces known as ‘fouling’, as well as corrosion damage in the hot gas area. This results in reduced performance and efficiency while maintenance effort...

Keeping operators safe during spraying season
Spring marks the beginning of the spraying season. While crops need to be protected from weeds, insects, fungi and diseases, agricultural vehicle operators need to be protected from potentially toxic pesticides and liquid fertilizers when working on...

Summer, sun, smog
Why ozone formation in summer is a problem and how it affects health

Why unfiltered water is a bad idea
And how water filters protect the climate and health

Accident on Mars
A game for amateur astronauts

Smell something cheesy?
When food goes bad...

Velvety whiskey, clean water
When it comes to wastewater treatment, Glenmorangie relies on Viledon water solutions

Clever constructions
Centuries-old Arab architectural solution delivers clean indoor air

So fresh and so green
Indoor plants help us breathe more freely

Autonomous driving
Will the roads of the future belong to robotic cars?

Digital networking
What does Industry 4.0 have in store for us?

Fresh air from the can