Wind energy gives climate protection a tailwind
High-performance intake air filters for component protection in wind turbines
Sustainably generated electricity is more in demand than ever, all over the world. Producing it on a large scale using renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels is almost impossible without wind power. Modern multi-megawatt turbines on land and at sea with rotors in some cases more than 200 meters in diameter convert the kinetic energy of the natural “raw material” wind into electricity with a capacity of up to 15 megawatts per wind turbine, giving climate protection an environmentally friendly tailwind. Today, offshore wind farms supply up to half a million households with electrical energy all year round.
Wind energy in Europe: Massive growth since 2012

Wherever nature unleashes its awesome forces in wind and weather, there is a need for technical expertise in the form of application-specific, optimized solutions. This also includes high-quality filtration solutions and services. On land, pollen, dust from natural or human induced sources, insects and sand can affect the trouble-free operation of turbines in nacelles up to 150 meters high. Offshore turbines are also exposed to high levels of exposure to seawater, so there is a risk of corrosion from the moist, salty air. Simply put, clean intake air is a must for wind turbines, no matter the location or environment. However, standardized filtration solutions are usually inadequate for meeting such stringent requirements. That’s why we can provide you with an individual filter concept – adapted to suit the ambient conditions you face.
Wind energy in Europe: Offshore is increasingly important

Continuous power generation with an optimal energy balance
Tailor-made multistage Viledon filter systems reliably protect wind turbines against dust and corrosion-related malfunctions. The clean supply air protects both the nacelle and the tower with its essential plant components (gearbox, generator and electrical equipment) from overheating, even under full load. As a result, unscheduled shutdowns and time-consuming and cost-intensive repair work on the wind turbine can be avoided. This ensures continuous power generation and supply as well as an optimal energy balance for the operator.
Even in the smallest installation spaces, sophisticated Viledon filter systems extend the service life of wind turbines and ensure long-term operational availability. Thanks to their performance and reliability, they reduce maintenance requirements by extending maintenance intervals. In this way, intelligent filter concepts reduce running costs for wind turbine operators.

At your service on site – our wind energy experts
Customized filter systems protect plant components against corrosion and dust. We will be pleased to support you in operating your wind turbine more efficiently and safely. Our expert and customer-oriented contacts can be found in all regions of the world. We have many years of expertise in the intake air filtration of gas turbines and compressors, for onshore or offshore plants, as well as a broad filter product portfolio, which we use to the benefit of you and your wind turbines.
Are you looking for an intake air solution for your wind turbine?
Get in touch with us. Our wind energy experts will contact you as soon as possible.
Discover a selection of products we offer for wind energy applications.
Click on details for more information. Technical data and specific product features can be found in our online e-catalog.
Optimal protection against penetrating water and salt – offshore or in coastal regions and locations with high humidity. Special drainage properties prevent the passage of water droplets into subsequent filter stages.
Robust in sustained use, high operational dependability and reliability even in the face of extreme moisture and wet conditions. They enable the energy-efficient operation of air conditioning systems. This translates to energy cost savings and a reduction in CO2 emissions.