Filters + service + consulting = complete air quality management
Viledon filterCair is a unique filter management package which provides our customers in very diverse sectors of industry with maximum benefit from our top-quality filters installed in their highly-complex plant.
The flexible, customized package comprises a
comprehensive filter program plus service support plus warranties - all at guaranteed fixed costs to bring our partners system solutions that are innovative, high-performance, economically efficient, environmentally friendly and offer excellent value for money.

How efficient is your filtration sytem?
Viledon filterCair is a unique filter management package which provides our customers in very diverse sectors of industry with maximum benefit from our top-quality filters installed in their highly-complex plant.
The flexible, customized package comprises a comprehensive filter program plus service support plus warranties - all at guaranteed fixed costs to bring our partners system solutions that are innovative, high-performance, economically efficient, environmentally friendly and offer excellent value for money.