30 years of cabin air filtration: How filtration requirements have evolved up until now.
Join our free micronAir Hot Topic webinar: Expert knowledge first hand
In our twenty-minute micronAir Hot Topic webinar, you will learn how cabin air filtration requirements have evolved due to the changes in the air’s composition over the last three decades up until now. Our expert, Alexander Oelsner, will provide insights into the importance of ensuring you are up-to-date with cabin air filtration solutions. Specific focus will be on currently relevant particulate and gaseous pollutants and the importance of reliable protection for passengers inside vehicles. Participation in the English webinar is free of charge.
Register now for free
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
- EMEA 9 a.m. CET (Central European Time)
- Asia Pacific 3 p.m. CST (China Standard Time)
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
- North America 10 a.m. EST (Eastern Standard Time)
- Latin America 11 a.m. BRT (Brasilia Time)
- EMEA 4 p.m. CET (Central European Time)

After your registration
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About the webinar host
Alexander Oelsner is Director Sales Europe IAM at Freudenberg Filtration Technologies. He has been part of the micronAir Team since 2015 and is based in our Weinheim headquarters in Southern Germany. As a lateral thinker, Alexander is passionate about future-oriented ideas and solutions for improving air quality inside vehicles.