Freudenberg to present high-end filtration solutions for agricultural vehicles at the EIMA Digital Preview
Leading technology partner for automotive filtration systems will share its expertise at free online exhibition
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies will present its premium filter solutions for agricultural vehicles at the EIMA Digital Preview. From November 11th to November 15th 2020, visitors will be able to attend the online event for free, find the information they need on Freudenberg’s high-end developments and sign up for virtual personal meetings with the filtration experts. The event serves as a multimedia preview of the traditional on-site International Exposition of Machinery for Agriculture and Gardening (EIMA) in Bologna, which was postponed to February 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
“We are very excited about this year’s additional EIMA Digital Preview event, because it is accessible to anyone around the world, from the comfort of their own desks,” says Giacomo Menzio, Market Manager Italy and Global Market Segment Manager Agricultural Applications at Freudenberg Filtration Technologies. The filtration experts from Germany will virtually present high-quality cabin air filter applications, which meet the strict requirements for air purification systems in agricultural vehicles set out in the European standard EN 15695-2, from Category 2 up to Category 4.
Effective protection against hazardous substances
Especially for tractor and self-propelled vehicle drivers potentially handling toxic substances and liquid fertilizers out on the fields, reliable protection from dust, aerosols and gas as well as vapor contaminants entering the cabin is key for their health and safety. Freudenberg Filtration Technologies offers filtration solutions with tailor-made protective functions for all cabin categories (according EN15695 standard definitions).
Category 2 filters deliver high efficiency and dust-holding capacity, even during extended periods of operational use. At the same time, they maintain low pressure-drop values and thus ensure long filter life-time and high energy efficiency in the vehicle’s air ventilation system. The Category 3 filtration design concept includes these Category 2 features and additionally it extends the performance range to include the finest droplets and particle aerosols. To do so, it employs an additional stage of high-efficiency particulate air filtration at the efficiency level required for hospital and pharmaceutical cleanroom applications. In addition to all of these features, Freudenberg’s Category 4 filtration design boasts a perfectly coordinated multi-stage filter system, which adds a unique, high-performance, activated-carbon layer in the final filter stage. These highly efficient filters can even block vaporous contaminants that can be harmful to drivers’ health.
All filtration solutions combine state-of-the-art filtration media with optimized and robust technological solutions. This makes them ideally suited for daily use even under extreme conditions, which are “business as usual” for farmers during their intensive plant protection activities in open fields, vineyards and orchards.
Multimedia information and 24-hour booth service
At Freudenberg’s digital exhibition booth, visitors will be able to access and download a variety of information on these filtration designs, which are in high demand among tractor manufacturers and manufacturers of air-ventilation systems alike. The booth will be staffed by an international team of Freudenberg Filtration Technologies experts around the clock on exhibition days to cover all time zones. “We can offer virtual one-on-one meetings or group meetings with up to four participants via conference calls. All in all, the virtual booth offers a variety of great ways to get to know our technologies and contact us for specific information,” says Giacomo Menzio.
Registration and participation at EIMA Digital Preview are free for all attendees. During registration you can already plan the visit to Freudenberg booth (please search for our Italian subsidiary name “Freudenberg Tecnologie di Filtrazione”). To schedule a personal appointment at the virtual Freudenberg booth in advance, please contact Giacomo Menzio (Email, Phone +39 011 3802476).
Click here, to go to our event page for more information on how to attend the EIMA Digital Preview.
Learn more about effective protection in agricultural vehicles
Meeting the requirements of EN 15695-2