The new classification system to ISO 29461-1 makes filter selection for turbomachinery easier
Since mid-September 2021, the revised ISO 29461 Part 1 standard for the classification of air filters in the intake air filtration application of turbomachinery has come into force. It thus combines the two existing test standards ISO 16890 and ISO 29463 / EN 1822 with a consistent and target-group-oriented filter class system for static intake air filters. The filter classes of ISO 29461-1 offer the user greater transparency and increase the comparability of filtration performance.
Listen to the video interview and learn more about the benefits of the revised standard
Six questions about ISO 29461-1 answered by Dr. Thomas Caesar
The T-classification system
In the new T-classification the filter classes start with T1 and end with T13 as the highest class. Coarse dust filters range from class T1 to T4, while fine dust filters cover classes T5 to T10. Classes T11 and T12 refer to EPA filters and class T13 corresponds to a HEPA filter. A detailed table of filter classification according to ISO 29461-1 can be found in our customer information.
T for transparency in turbomachinery
Which filter is assigned to which T class?
In our configurator, you can see at a glance which Viledon filter, from which product group, is assigned to which
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