Reliable Turbine Performance for Power Plants

Air intake filter concepts appropriate for all environmental conditions

In the power generation industry an uninterrupted supply of power is critical and maximum reliability is essential. Freudenberg filter systems are optimally designed for requirements in regions coastal, onshore, and anything in between.

Power plants in coastal or onshore regions

Protecting turbines. Increasing availability. Reducing downtimes.

For gas turbines and compressors of power plants near the coast or located onshore, two-stage filter concepts generally achieve ideal results. The first filter stage is typically equipped with pocket filters, the second with cassette filters. Particles and moisture will never have a chance. With a three-stage system, it is even possible to achieve EPA purity level.

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Power plants in coastal or onshore regions

Power plants in desert regions

Effectively satisfy defined requirements.

Power plants for generating electricity situated near deserts are subject to particularly adverse environmental conditions such as high dust loads from desert storms, or high morning humidity. These factors influence the selection of a suitable intake air filter system.

The correct selection of filter cartridges has proven to be an effective barrier. A cylindrical/conical set, for instance, can be operated with optimized pulse-jet cleaning and depending on the requirements, are available in EPA filter classes.

Power plants in regions near deserts

Watch our video and learn how GTS double-cylindrical cartridges can help to boost power output while reducing your carbon footprint.

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Reduce the carbon foot print

Optimized turbine efficiency in locations near deserts

Learn more about Viledon GTS filter cartridges made of fully synthetic media

Despite the elements

Power plants profit from reliable filtration solutions

Inadequate filters in power plants endanger process reliability. If turbines fail, this quickly leads to bottlenecks in the power supply. Filter solutions from Freudenberg Filtration Technologies are making two power plants in Ratchaburi, Thailand both more reliable and more powerful.

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Extended cartridge lifetime with more power output

GTS double-cylindrical cartridges master difficult challenges

A coastal power plant in Saudi Arabia was equipped in a first phase with conical-cylindrical cartridges for intake air filtration. In phase two, one test unit was converted to GTS double-cylindrical design. This proved to be very successful in terms of filter lifetime, reduction in overall pressure drop and turbine power output, so that all units will be converted to the double-cylindrical concept. Evidence showed that harsh environmental conditions with sandstorms could not affect efficiency. 

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Unlocking new efficiencies

Boosting performance by reducing humidity


2-Stage Air Intake Retrofit at Four Gas Turbine Units of Cogeneration Power Plant in Texas


2-in-1 filtration system for Alabama power plant to stop humidity and coalesce rain droplets


Continuous gas turbine operation during heavy snow fall events


GTS cartridge sets for intake air filtration of two power stations in Ratchaburi, Thailand


Pulse jet GTS filter cartridge sets at power plant in Texas


Adding an effective water removal section to the air intake system at a petrochemical plant in China


Upgrade to EPA filtration level for solar mercury 50 gas turbine

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