Medical Face Masks Type II (EN 14683)

High protection and pleasant wearing comfort – Made in Germany

Medical Face Masks Type II (EN 14683)
Made in Germany

Made in Germany

Development and production of medical face masks is carried out in Germany.

Bakterielle Filtereffizienz (BFE) > 98 %

BFE > 98 %

Externally conducted laboratory tests confirm a Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) > 98 %.

Dermatest signet "EXCELLENT"

Dermatest rating "EXCELLENT"

Dematest rates the skin compatibility of our masks as “EXCELLENT”.


CE certified

Our masks meet the requirements of the relevant EU directives.

The view inside the Freudenberg Medical Face Mask

Benefits of the three-layer nonwoven filter medium


The three-layer media of the Freudenberg Medical Face Mask filters at least 98% of the relevant aerosols

Medical face mask Type II (EN 14683)

Externally conducted laboratory tests confirm a Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) > 98 % and thus a high separation of aerosols containing viruses and bacteria. The masks are intended for single use.

Top quality – Made in Germany

As a global filtration specialist and the largest German nonwovens manufacturer, we demand the highest quality from our products. The development and production of medical face masks is carried out in Germany.

Comfortable to wear

The three-layer polypropylene filter medium (glass fibre free) reduces the release of droplets due to its special structure while still allowing for easy breathing. The soft nonwoven fabric offers optimum wearing comfort – even over longer periods of time. Its skin compatibility was rated “EXCELLENT” by Dermatest. All materials used are also latex-free.

Individually adaptable shape

Thanks to their folding design and the nose clip, the one-size masks can be individually adapted to the shape of the face. The round ear loops ensure a comfortable fit.

LABS-compliant materials

All materials are LABS-compliant in accordance with the requirements of test class B of VDMA 24364. This means that the face masks can also be used with confidence in industrial painting environments.

Request an offer

Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions also sells small quantities of the medical face masks under the Collectex brand to end consumers.

Learn more

Usage instructions (multilingual)

  • Usage instructions – Medical face mask type II (EN)

    Handling and putting on/off only with clean hands.

    1. Wash hands with detergent or disinfect them upfront.
    2. and 3. To put the mask on, unfold it, place it over mouth and nose.
    4. The nose clip is at the top and for a good fit adjust nose clip symmetrically to the nose shape with both hands. Exchange mask once it is wet.
    5. Each mask is disposable. 
    6. Wash hands after disposing.

     General notes on wearing masks

    • It is recommended to wear masks at most until they are wet or to replace them with a new one after a maximum of 4 hours.
    • Persons with breathing difficulties, dizziness or other complaints should leave the area with mask obligation or many people as soon as possible to take off their mask.
    • Persons with heart and lung dysfunction should check with their doctor in advance whether wearing masks is safe for them.
    • Suitable for adults and children (Not recommended for children under 3 years of age due to their low vital capacity).
    Usage instructions
  • Anwendungshinweise – Medizinische Gesichtsmasken Typ II (DE)

    Masken nur mit sauberen Händen berühren, an- und ausziehen.

    1. Hände zuvor mit Seife waschen oder desinfizieren.
    2. Zum Anziehen Maske entfalten.
    3. Maske über Mund und Nase platzieren, so dass der Nasen-Clip sich oben befindet.
    4. Für einen guten Sitz der Maske, Nasen-Clip mit beiden Händen symmetrisch an die Nasenform anpassen. Maske muss bei Durchfeuchtung gewechselt werden.
    5. Masken sind für den Einmaleinsatz bestimmt. Direkt nach der Benutzung über den Hausmüll entsorgen.
    6. Hände nach dem Entsorgen gründlich reinigen.

    Allgemeine Hinweise zum Tragen von Masken

    • Es wird empfohlen, Masken höchstens so lange zu tragen bis sie durchfeuchtet sind oder nach maximal 4 Stunden durch eine neue zu ersetzen.
    • Personen mit Atemschwierigkeiten, Schwindel oder anderen Beschwerden sollten den Bereich mit Mundschutzpflicht oder vielen Personen so schnell wie möglich verlassen, um ihre Maske auszuziehen.
    • Personen mit Herz- und Lungenfunktionsstörungen sollten vorab mit ihrem Arzt klären, ob das Tragen von Masken für sie unbedenklich ist.
    • Geeignet für Erwachsene und Kinder (Nicht empfohlen für Kinder unter 3 Jahren aufgrund ihrer geringen Vitalkapazität).
  • Instructions d’utilisation – Masque facial médical type II (FR)

    Manipulation et mise en place/retrait uniquement avec des mains propres.

    1. Se laver les mains avec un détergent ou les désinfecter au préalable.
    2. et 3. Pour mettre le masque, dépliez-le, placez-le sur la bouche et le nez. Le pince-nez se trouve en haut.
    4. Pour un bon ajustement, ajustez le pince-nez symétriquement à la forme du nez avec les deux mains.
    5. Chaque masque est jetable.
    6. Lavez-vous les mains après l’avoir jeté. Remplacer le masque une fois qu’il est mouillé

    Consignes générales relatives au port du masque

    • Concernant la durée d’utilisation des masques, il est recommandé de ne les porter que jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient humidifiés par la respiration ou de les remplacer par un neuf après 4 heures maximum.
    • Les personnes souffrant de difficultés respiratoires, de vertige ou d’autres troubles doivent quitter le plus vite possible le lieu à port de masque obligatoire, ou à forte affluence, où elles se trouvent pour retirer leur masque.
    • Les personnes souffrant de troubles de la fonction cardiaque ou pulmonaire doivent déterminer au préalable avec leur médecin si le port du masque est sans risque pour elles.
    • Convient pour les adultes et les enfants (non recommandé pour les enfants de moins 3 ans en raison de la réduction de leur capacité vitale).
    Instructions d’utilisation
  • Istruzioni d’uso – Maschera facciale ad uso medico di tipo II (IT)

    Maneggiare ed indossare solo con le mani pulite.

    1. Lavare le mani con il detergente o disinfettarle prima di usare la mascherina. 

    2 and 3. Per indossare la mascherina, apritela e mettetela in modo che copra bocca e naso. 

    4. La clip per il naso è in alto e, per una buona aderenza, schiacciatela simmetricamente con entrambe le mani per farla aderire al naso. Cambiate la mascherina se diventa umida. 

    5. Ogni mascherina è usa e getta.  

    6. Lavatevi le mani dopo averla buttata.

    Avvertenze generali sull’utilizzo delle maschere

    • Si consiglia di utilizzare la maschera finché non risulta completamente inumidita o di sostituirla con una nuova al più tardi dopo 4 ore.
    • Chi accusa difficoltà respiratorie, vertigini o altri sintomi deve lasciare il prima possibile l’area in cui vige l’obbligo di indossare la maschera o in cui si trovano molte persone, così da poter togliere la maschera.
    • Chi soffre di disfunzioni cardiache e polmonari deve appurare presso il medico curante se può indossare la maschera senza alcun rischio.
    • Prodotto adatto ad adulti e bambini (sconsigliato per bambini al di sotto dei 3 anni a causa della loro ridotta capacità vitale).
    Istruzioni d’uso
  • Instrucciones de uso – Mascarilla facial médica tipo II (ES)

    Se recomienda colocar la mascarilla directamente sobre la piel. Manipular y poner/quitar solo con las manos limpias.

    1. Lavarse las manos con agua y jabón o frotarlas con una solución hidroalcohólica antes de manipular la mascarilla.
    2. Despliegue la mascarilla antes de colocarla sobre la boca y la nariz.
    3. La pinza nasal debe situarse en la parte superior. Ajuste la cinta alrededor de las orejas, sin cruzarlas.
    4. Presionar la pinza con ambas manos para ajustarla a la nariz y verifique que no hay espacios entre la cara y la mascarilla.
    5. Cada mascarilla es desechable. Por cuestiones de comodidad e higiene, se recomienda no usar la mascarilla por un tiempo superior a 4h/día. En caso que se humedezca o deteriore por el uso, se recomienda sustituir por otra nueva. Se deben desechar en un contenedor provisto de una bolsa de plástico.
    6. Para evitar la contaminación retirar la mascarilla cogiendo las cintas y sin tocar la parte frontal. Lavar las manos con agua y jabón o frotarlas con una solución hidroalcohólica después de desecharla.  

    Indicaciones generales sobre el uso de mascarillas

    • Se recomienda usar las mascarillas hasta que se humedezcan o bien reemplazarlas por una nueva después de 4 horas como máximo.
    • Las personas con dificultades respiratorias, mareos u otras molestias deberán abandonar la zona de uso obligatorio de mascarilla o con muchas personas lo antes posible para quitarse la mascarilla.
    • Las personas con trastornos cardíacos y pulmonares deberán determinar previamente con su médico si el uso de mascarillas es seguro para ellas.
    • Apto para adultos y niños (no recomendado para niños menores de 3 años debido a su baja capacidad vital).
    Instrucciones de uso
  • Instruções de uso – Máscara facial médica tipo II (PT)

    Manipule e coloque/retire apenas com as mãos limpas.

    1. Higienize as mãos com água e sabão ou com uma solução à base de álcool, antes de colocar a máscara.
    2 e 3. Para colocar a máscara, desdobre-a e coloque-a sobre a boca e o nariz.
    4. O clipe nasal deve situar-se na parte superior. Ajuste o clipe nasal de forma simétrica à forma do nariz com ambas mãos, certificando-se que não existem espaços entre o rosto e a máscara.
    5. Cada máscara é descartável. Pr razões de comodidade e higiene, recomendamos não usar a máscara por períodos superiores a 4h/dia. Em caso de que fique húmida ou se detriore, recomendamos que a substitua por outra nova. A máscara deve ser descartada para um contentor de resíduos adequado.
    6. Para evitar contaminação retire a máscara pelos elásticos sem tocar na parte frontal. Lave as mãos com água e sabão ou com uma solução à base de álcool depois de a descartar. 

    Indicações gerais para a utilização de máscaras 

    • Recomenda-se a utilização de máscaras até estas ficarem húmidas, devendo ser substituídas por uma máscara nova. Não deve usar a máscara durante mais de 4 horas.
    • As pessoas com dificuldades respiratórias, tonturas ou outros sintomas deverão abandonar as áreas onde haja obrigatoriedade de uso de máscara ou uma grande concentração de pessoas o mais rapidamente possível para retirarem a máscara.
    • As pessoas com problemas cardíacos ou pulmonares deverão informar-se previamente junto do seu médico quanto à segurança da utilização da máscara.
    • Adequado para adultos e acrianças (não recomendado para crianças com menos de 3 anos devido a capacidades vitais reduzidas).
    Instruções de uso
Medical Face Masks TYPE II

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(EN 14683)?

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Product Data Sheet

Medical Face Masks Type II (EN 14683)

For adults


Moving forward together

With certified medical face masks Type II (EN 14683)


Avancer ensemble

Avec des masques à usage médical certifiés de type II (EN 14683)


Progredire insieme

Con le maschere facciali ad uso medico certificate di tipo II (EN 14683)


Avanzando juntos

Con mascarillas faciales médicas certificadas tipo II (EN 14683)

FAQs – Medical face mask

  • Who are Type II (EN 14683) medical face masks suitable for?

    For all companies and employers who care about the protection of their employees and who need a larger quantity of medical face masks. Moreover, due to their Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) >98%, Type II medical face masks are also suitable for professionals in medical practices, hospitals, nursing homes or other healthcare facilities with similar hygiene requirements.

  • In what situations is it recommended to cover your mouth and nose with a mask?

    The use of a medical face mask is particularly relevant when several people meet in closed rooms and stay there for a longer period of time (e.g. at the workplace). But a mask should also be worn when shopping or on public transport, where the minimum distance of 1.5 m is difficult to maintain.

  • How does the Type II (EN 14683) medical face mask from Freudenberg work?

    Thanks to their three-layer polypropylene filter medium, Freudenberg’s medical masks reduce the release of droplets. Aerosols containing viruses and bacteria are largely separated by the mask and spread less in the environment. The Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of medical face masks Type II (EN 14683) is over 98%.

  • How do Type II (EN 14683) medical face masks differ from Type I and everyday masks?

    Everyday masks can reduce the release of particles into the air, but they do not provide sufficient protection against infection. Medical face masks, also called mouth-nose protection or surgical masks, are preferably used in the medical environment and differ in their filter efficiency. If Type I masks achieve a Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of ≥ 95 %, Type II masks on the other hand offer a BFE ≥ 98 %. Both types protect people in the immediate vicinity from infection rather than the wearer himself. You can find more information about the differences here.

  • Why is the Type II (EN 14683) medical face mask from Freudenberg so comfortable to wear?

    The soft nonwoven fabric enables ideal wearing comfort and pleasant breathing even over longer periods of time. Thanks to the folding design and nose clip, Freudenberg’s mouth and nose protectors can be individually adapted to the shape of the face. The round ear loops ensure a comfortable fit. In addition, the skin compatibility of the masks was rated “EXCELLENT” by Dermatest.

  • What should I consider when putting on a medical face mask?

    Medical masks should only be touched with clean hands. Therefore, wash or disinfect your hands before putting on the mask. The mask is placed over the mouth and nose so that the nose clip is at the top. Make sure it fits perfectly and adjust the nose clip symmetrically to the shape of the nose.

  • How do you wear medical face masks correctly?

    Mouth and nose must be covered. The mask should fit as tightly as possible along the edges. Take care not to touch your face mask with your hands while wearing it, so that no bacteria or viruses can get on your hands or face. Do not wear the medical face mask around your neck.

  • How often can you wear Freudenberg medical masks?

    The Type II medical face masks (EN 14683) from Freudenberg are intended for single use. Please do not wash the mask or use it more than once. A soaked medical face mask no longer provides reliable protection and should be replaced. How quickly the mask becomes soaked depends on the level of physical activity and the ambient temperature. After use, dispose of the mask in household waste and then wash or disinfect your hands.

  • What else should I be aware of?

    When wearing Type II medical face masks (EN 14683), it is also important to observe the rules of hygiene: Keep hands away from the face and avoid shaking hands or hugging. If possible, keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters to your fellow human beings. Ventilate the interior regularly.